Korea's No. 1 A Level School
History of Korea International Institute
Feb. Market research about studying in Singapore.
Oct. Founding of KS Study Abroad Consulting Centre in Gangnam, Seoul.
Dec. Starting the students’ early study abroad programme to Singapore
Jan. Starting the Students’ progression process for the Singapore university programme.
Sep. Establishment of the KS Centre Daejeon branch.
Dec. Establishment of the KS Centre Singapore branch.
May. Establishment of the KS Centre Suwon branch.
May. Founding of Korea International Institute (KII)
Sep. Launching Singapore’s Diploma Programme in Korea.
Nov. KII, accredited by the Association of Business Executives, UK.
Dec. Partnership established with National High School, USA.
Apr. Approved as a Pearson Edexcel Centre for GCSE, IGCSE, and A Levels.
Aug. Approved as an ACCA CBE Examination Centre.
Aug. Produced a 4A* student in the UK A Level.
Sep. Holding an admission seminar with a visit from City University of Hong Kong, King’s College London admission officer.
Sep. Holding an online admission seminar with the University of Cambridge, Newnham College admission tutor.
Oct. Holding an online admission seminar with the University of Cambridge, Trinity College admission tutor.
Oct. Holding an admission seminar with a visit from University College London admission officer.
Feb. Participation in the London World Class Study Conference at King’s College London.
Mar. Holding an online admission seminar with the University of Oxford, Oriel College, and London School of Economics and Political Science admission tutors.
Sep. Became an approved Cambridge Assessment Admission Testing examination centre.
Jan. Holding an admission seminar with a visit from University of Hong Kong admission officer.
Sep. Holding an admission seminar with a visit from City University of Hong Kong, and Education University of Hong Kong admission officers.
Jan. KII School has reformed its academic years to Grades 9, 10, 11, 12, which correspond to Years 10, 11, 12, and 13 in the UK education system.
Aug. Produced a 5A*s student in the UK A Level. Nov. Holding a meeting with Cognia, the accreditation body for primary and secondary schools in the USA.
Jan. Became a candidate for Accreditation with NCA CASI, NWAC, and SACS CASI, USA.
Aug. Produced two 5A* students in the UK A Level.
Oct. KII, accredited by Cognia, USA.
Nov. Registered at College Board (Code no. 682056)
Apr. Conducted PSAT 8/9 for the first time. May. Conducted AP examinations and became an SAT exam centre recognised by the College Board.
Jul. Received SAT exam centre number (65284)
Jul. Attended Global School UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network Programme training.
Jan. Produced the highest score in Korea for Pearson Edexcel IGCSE Mathematics.
Jul. Conducted the 1st International Education Development Activity in Singapore.
Aug. Became an admission test centre for University of Oxford.
Aug. Student Council-organised student training camp held for a 1-night, 2-day programme.
Aug. Produced an 5A* student in the UK A Level.
Sep. Holding an admission seminar with a visit from Singapore Management University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Chinese University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, and Hong Kong Baptist University admission officers.
Nov. Two AMC12 applicants (G11) advanced to AIME.
Dec. Produced the Five highest scores in Korea for Pearson Edexcel IGCSE Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Mathematics A, and Further Pure Mathematics.
Dec. Produced the highest score in the World for Pearson Edexcel Internatonal A Level Chemistry. Dec. Received the Outstanding Pearson School Award.
Apr. Approved as a UKBC exam centre.
May, KII College, Singapore registered with SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG)
Jun. In the UK Biology Challenge for 9th grade, one student won a Silver award, one student won a Bronze award, and two students received Highly Commended awards.
Jun. In the UK Intermediate Biology Olympiad for 11th grade, one student won a Gold award and two students won Bronze awards.
Aug. All 11 Grade 9 students achieved A* (8-9 points) in the IGCSE Mathematics A exam.
Oct. In the UKMT-SMC exam, 5 students achieved Gold, 4 students achieved Silver, and 9 students achieved Bronze.
Jan. One G12 student participated in the 2024 British Mathematical Olympiad (BMO) Round 1 and received a Distinction award (top 9.87%).
Feb. In the 2025 British Biology Olympiad (BBO), 22 students participated, with 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze, 4 Highly Commended, and 2 Commended awards.
Mar. One G12 student participated in the 2024 British Mathematical Olympiad (BMO) Round 2 and received a Merit award.
KII Curriculum
KII provides two pathways to prepare students for university undergraduate admission: 1) Business/Social Sciences and 2) Engineering/Science.
Business/Social Science pathway programme: Recommended subjects Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Business, Economics, Accounting.
Engineering/Science pathway programme: Recommended subjects Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry.
Annual Academic Schedule
KII Officially provides education from Grade 9 to Grade 12.
1st semester: September 1 ~ December 23
2nd semester: January 2 ~ June 30
Official Exam duration: May/June
* Please note that the exact dates may vary.
Our Goal
Our goal is not simply to produce one or two outstanding students, but to nurture every student into an outstanding one.
Let’s carve out our own future!!